These new releases from Tractor Barn Productions takes a trip through the farming year from winter to winter and shows the variety of machinery used throughout the seasons on a modern farm in the 21st century.
Watch a huge variety of modern and classic tractors and farm machinery at work. By visiting many different farms up and down the country we get a real feel for what machinery are out at work in the countryside today.
Starting with the end of winter and then moving through spring, summer and autumn until we start winter again, the cyclical nature of agriculture is shown as crops are sown, cared for and finally harvested before sowing begins once again.
It soon becomes obvious just how important the tractor is in all this as well as the combine harvester, forage harvester, sugar beet harvester and pea viner. Implements include hedge cutters, mowers, balers, ploughs, various different types of cultivator, subsoilers, spreaders, sprayers, grass rakes, loaders, feeders, scrapers, trailers, irrigators, drills and planters to name but a few - all are in this programme and all are shown hard at work.
Probably no other farming DVD programme has ever included so much action!
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Part one of the story takes us from manure spreading in January to silage harvesting at the beginning of June. Other machinery seen in action includes various cultivators, power harrows, drills, ploughs, sprayers, fertiliser spreaders, yard scrapers, slurry tankers, planters, bed-formers, de-stoners, and flail mowers to name just a few.
The second part of the story takes us from silage making in June to ploughing in December. Other machinery seen in action includes various combine harvesters, pea harvesters, cultivators, ploughs, drills, manure spreaders, potato harvesters, maize chopper and sugar beet harvesters to name just a few.