If you were asked to choose 41 tractors to represent a fair sample of those most likely to be seen at work on Britain's arable farms today, which would you select? This was the task we set tractor enthusiast and photographer Chris Lockwood.
Know Your Tractors by Chris Lockwood is a paperback, 88 pages including 41 illustrations. ISBN 978-1-905523-91-7. NOW IN STOCK. £4.99.
Chris's selection includes examples from 25 marques from Case to Zetor. Most of the machines are modern - but there are some classics too. The majority of the tractors are shown at work in the east of England. A concise text gives basic information about the tractors and the equipment with which they are operating. Enthusiasts will enjoy the book - but it is really an introduction for visitors to rural shows,farm parks and country bookshops.
Chris Lockwood is from an East Anglian farming family. He has a library of over 100,000 tractor and machinery images and one of the most popular tractor photograph websites: midsuffolkagriphotos. The site is continually being updated with new shots.