Lameness and overgrown feet are a major welfare and economic problem in the modern dairy industry. The aim of Roger Blowey's book is to help prevent these conditions and treat outbreaks. It deals with both theory and practice.
Cattle Lameness and Hoofcare 2nd Edition by Roger Blowey BSc., BVSc., FRCVS. Hardback book, 136 pages including 198 illustrations. ISBN 978-905523-28-3. £19.95, now in stock, Old Pond.
The chapters in this book cover: 1. The incidence and cost of lameness; (2) Foot structure, function and inflammation (laminitis); (3) Weight-bearing surfaces and hoof overgrowth; (4) Hoof trimming; (5) Common diseases of the foot and their treatments; (6) The causes and prevention of lameness.
The second edition is a complete revision. Roger has provided more information about the impact on lameness of changes that occur at the time of calving. He describes new conditions such as toe necrosis and heel ulcers. In particular he draws on the findings published at the two-yearly Symposia of Diseases in the Ruminant Digit. The book is considerably enlarged and includes many new illustrations.
Roger Blowey, a practising veterinarian, is an RCVS specialist in cattle health. Among his many honours is the BVA Dalrymple-Champneys medal for work of outstanding merit in the advancement of veterinary science. His other publications include A Veterinary Book for Dairy Farmers.