Know Your Combines by Chris Lockwood, paperback book, 96 pages including 45 photographs. ISBN 978-1-906853-03-7. IN STOCK at Old Pond Publishing, £4.99.
A companion to Chris Lockwood’s successful Know Your Tractors, this new book shows a representative sample of the 45 combine harvesters you are most likely to see at work in Britain. It is ideal for the novice enthusiast of any age.
The combines shown in the book are as follows:
BM-Volvo S 950
Bonhill Fortschritt E 514
Case IH Axial-Flow 1680
Case IH Axial-Flow 2388 XClusive
Case IH Axial-Flow 9010
Claas Matador Standard
Claas Senator 85
Claas Dominator 85
Claas Dominator 96
Claas Dominator 98 S Classic
Claas Dominator Mega 204
Claas Lexion 480
Claas Lexion 570+ Terra-Trac
Claas Lexion 600
Deutz-Fahr M 2780 H
Deutz-Fahr M 36.30 Hydromat
Fahr M1000
International 953
International 1420 Axial-Flow
John Deere 965
John Deere 1085
John Deere 2266
John Deere 9780 CTS Hillmaster II
John Deere 9880i STS
John Deere C670i
Laverda M 306 Special Power
Massey Ferguson 400
Massey Ferguson 525
Massey Ferguson 845
Massey Ferguson 8590 Rotary
Massey Ferguson 31
Massey Ferguson 40
Massey Ferguson 7278 Cerea
New Holland Clayson 1545
New Holland Clayson 8070
New Holland TX34
New Holland TF78 Elektra
New Holland CX860
New Holland CR9080 Elevation
Ransomes Super Cavalier
Sampo Rosenlew 580 Plot
Sampo Rosenlew 2010
Wintersteiger Nurserymaster Elite.
Chris completes his book with a short Glossary and three cutaways which show the principal combine layouts: conventional, hybrid and rotary.
Each of the photographs, taken by Chris Lockwood, has a full right-hand page. Opposite it is concise text that describes the model’s attributes and gives details of its range. The author gives the company ownership as well as country of assembly or manufacture.
(right) BM-Volvo S 950 cutting winter wheat made its debut in the 1960s
(left) John Deere C670i Made in Germany introduced for the 2008 harvest. Hybrid layout with a drum and threshing arrangement of drum and concave followed by twin rotating tine rotors. Cutting wheat.
(right) Massey Ferguson 7278 Cerea Manufactured in Denmark, conventional layout, in 2000 was the largest MF offered in the UK.
(left) New Holland CR9080 Elevation. Made in Belgium. Threshing and separation are carried out by the Twin rotor system which is followed by a discharge beater. Cutting wheat and chopping the straw.
To see more of the huge number of fine photographs taken by Chris Lockwood go to Mid Suffolk Agri Photos