'This DVD -- Sprayers & Spreaders, self-propelled machines in Britain by Chris Lockwood -- provides great information and entertainment for anybody interested in farm machinery and sprayers.' This is the verdict of the reviewer in the spring edition of Pro Operator, the only specialist publication for all registered spray operators in the UK.
The reviewer continues: 'Seeing one of the original SAM FC from Sands, self-propelleds in a field along with the Ford tractor-based Chafer Tramliner as well as forward control MB-Tracs will be a treat for some. While others will marvel at the comfort, features and electronic control on show on the latest machines at work.'
The website for Pro-Operator is here.
Details of Chris Lockwood's Sprayers & Spreaders DVD are here.
Visitors to LAMMA this week can find the DVD on sale on the Old Pond stand in Hall 4.