After the much anticipated wait, Farming in Miniature Volume 2 has finally hit the shelves with the official launch at the Tractor Show in Spalding last week. So much material has been assembled for the book that it had to be divided into two volumes.
Each manufacturer has been given its own chapter, identified by the brand name rather than the manufacturers name. Volume 1 covers manufacturers alphabetically from Airfix to Denzil Skinner, while this volume, volume 2, covers Dinky to Wend-al.
A glossary of technical terms appeared in Volume 1. It was stated in the introduction in volume 1 that the glossary would be included in both volumes, but rather than repeat information, the space has been used for an addenda with details of additional items for the manufacturers in Volume 1 that have come to the authors' attention since the book was finished. One of the fascinating aspects of toy collecting is that previously unrecorded variations seem to turn up quite regularly, so that in the time since Volume 1 was completed (less than a year) they have filled several pages with new finds!
You can purchase the new Farming in Miniature: Volume 2 from the Old Pond Publishing shop here