Farm Office Handbook, Institute of Agricultural Secretaries and Administrators. Paperback, 210mm x 160mm, 224 pages inc. approx 50 tables and 5 photos. ISBN: 978-1-908397-11-9. Now available from Old Pond Publishing at 19.95.
Farm Office Handbook is a practical reference source for anyone involved in farm administration, from someone tackling farm paperwork for the first time to experienced staff seeking to improve their skills. It has been produced through the collaborative efforts of a team of professional farm administrators.
Farm Office Handbook offers comprehensive guidance on:
- Farm office basics, from equipment to ‘Doing it Online’
- Setting up accounting systems
- Computerising a manual accounting system
- VAT and payroll for small rural businesses
- Year-end procedures complete with a useful checklist
- Management reporting and budgeting with useful templates
- Statutory and assurance records
- Useful websites for legislative updates and other important information
- Contacts and online resources for rural businesses.
Building on Michael Hosken’s long-standing and authoritative book, The Farm Office, this is a completely revised new edition.